Grand Canyon

Power Wash

Industrial Cleaners

Grand Canyon Power Wash is dedicated to providing quality cleaning and maintenance service to the public and private institutions that needs quality cleaning, degreasing, and graffiti removing service.  



We perform awarded jobs on a time basis.  Grand Canyon Power Wash utilizes biodegradable, non-hazardous chemicals to degrease and clean any surface in all of the jobs performed.



Grand Canyon Power Wash operates with union and non-union employees in California and Arizona.  All employees are classroom safety trained once annually and certified in accordance with OSHA/CFR requirements.


Continued trade classes and safety classes are maintained in the job site, using the Arizona or California workman's compensation fund insurance program



Grand Canyon Power Wash LLC is a subsidiary of Goldstein & Luera Construction / Engineering company, a Minority Business Enterprise established in 1984.  We furnish quality services on a continual contract basis as well as on a "Per Job" basis.  We participate in competitive bidding as well as negotiated contractual jobs.



Grand Canyon Power Wash
is a subsidiary of a
Licensed and Registered General Contractor,
General Engineer
Sand Blasting / High Pressure
Power Wash Contractor
California and Arizona.


California Licenses


BA 782697

BA HIC 782697




Arizona Licenses


A 090076

B 063145

B-01 090102


Goldstein & Luera, L.L.C. is Qualified

as a

Small Disadvantaged Business

through the

SBA Section 8 (a) Program.



Goldstein & Luera is Insured

and maintains a

Performance and Payment Bond Rating.


S e r v i c e s   O f f e r e d




Petroleum Facilities

Retail / Wholesale Facilities

Food Process Facilities

Electrical Power Plants

Wastewater Treatment Plants

Restaurant Facilities


Silo-Grain Facilities

Water Treatment Plants


Building Maintenance


Exterior Walls

Kitchen Appliances

Parking Lots

Graffiti Removal

Driveway Degreasing



Trash Disposal Area

Interior Walls

Mechanic Filters



Parking Lot



Stain And Grease Removal

Drive-Up Window Degreasing


Trash Disposal Area

Graffiti Removal


Clean And Degrease
Heavy Equipment


Semi Tractor Trailors

Cement Mixers



Any Construction Equipment

Aircraft Runways

Company Fleets


After Hours Services

Grand Canyon Power Wash Will Provide Convenience To
Your Customer Base By Servicing Your Company After Hours




Grand Canyon
Power Wash

Goldstein & Luera
General Contracting


Medical Waste Disposal


Industrial Cleaners





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